Save The Earth
We don't just offer innovative products, we promote a culture of sustainability and respect for nature Because innovation also means taking care of the world around us.
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Fiorentini - AF6000
PIK 2 as the latest modern city located in the north of Jakarta, has so many excellent facilities within. Sophisticated and modern tools are provided to maintain the cleanliness and beauty of PIK 2 facilities, one of them is Smart Vehicle
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Dupuy Vacuum Central
Industrial vacuum systems are the best investment for improving air quality and cleanliness within the work environment while complying with current regulations.
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HJL CART Cartridge filters are fully customisable and designed for each specific project. They are built with S275JR steel of a thickness suitable to operate with medium-high dust loads, for outdoor installation and continuous operation.
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We are Commited to Protecting what really matters :

People, by creating healthy and safe working environments.
Production, by optimising industrial processes for greater efficiency.
Environment, by reducing the impact of factories both inside and out

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